“If the world does not please you, you can change it.”
H.G Wells
Blogs I read

Saturday, February 21

I attended a talk at the National Museum of Scotland given by Graham Whitehead, BT’s Advanced Concepts Manager. It was entitled "Information Everywhere and Not a Byte to Think" the thrust of his talk was fixed on how technology would change our lives more in the next 15 years than it had in the previouse 150 years. He was an excellant and entusiastic orator expaining real scenarios in which BT were developing technology for companies. The talk did not concentrate on any specfic topic for very long but in the way that these topic would change our lives. He used the example very familiar to me of a Radiology Dept in a hospital and the massive ineffieceny in using convential film.

posted by 12345 8:04 PM

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